(410) 466-4142
(410) 466-4142

Nuclear and Infrared Testing

State-of-the-Art Diagnostics

Moisture damage can be the great enemy of a great roof. Too much moisture due to problems such as leaks or property damage can cause premature deterioration, often requiring roof replacement at great cost. Thankfully, two types of state-of-the-art moisture surveys can determine if and where moisture damage is occurring, allowing you to correct it before it’s too late.

Nuclear Testing: Moisture is accurately located and graphed by high-tech nuclear gauge, determining how much of the roof is affected by water damage.

Similarly, Infrared Testing utilizes imaging cameras to locate moisture that, at night, has not cooled as quickly as dry insulation, revealing where moisture damage is possibly occurring.

At Jerry Sachs, our experts use these technologies to determine levels of detrimental moisture, preventing the need for huge repairs or even roof replacement by advising you in corrective and preventative measures.